Who I Am

John Nicholson - Atlanta, GA

John Nicholson currently lives in North Georgia. As a Georgia native John has lived in the South most of his life, with the exception of one year in Monterey, California. During that time he worked in Carmel, CA as the director of an art gallery.

John now owns a website design company in Atlanta, Georgia that offers web design, Internet marketing and website hosting for businesses and individuals. John not only focuses on the design and construction of the website he builds, but also the marketing of his clients’ websites.

Along with the day-to-day demands of a business owner, John enjoys photography, tennis, hiking …and just about anything outdoors.

Years of photography and traveling has built a vast collection of photographs. A sampling of these photographs are posted within this personal journal website, with more to be added soon.

As an active church member, John is a devoted Christian and regularly journals about the Christian experience.

Visit again soon to read John’s updated Journal Entries >

Thanks for visiting!

– John